You have heard and read about Contra dancing and are quite excited to grab your shoes and begin. We always welcome beginners. You don't need to have prior experience or attend with a partner.
At 7:30 PM orientation begins for newcomers at All Saints Academy (unless an alternate venue is chosen). The lessons include an instruction session for the basic figures and courtesies. All the dances are taught, and as a beginner, you will learn best by dancing with expert dancers. Early in the evening before the dancing session begins, easier dances are usually taught to the newcomers. Beginners and accomplished dancers are welcome to attend these instruction sessions as long as they fancy.
Even if you have children who love to dance, we welcome them to dance with us. Adults should act appropriately and parents are responsible for their children's actions.
You can attend these sessions and be part of the dance at All Saints Academy, 310 East 8th St. Chattanooga, TN between 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. The cost per session is $8.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Students.